Feedback Loop

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Feedback Loop explores our relationship to technology, fringe ideas, and commercials. In 2023 the US Surgeon General declared an epidemic of loneliness. Simultaneously, we find ourselves diving deeper and deeper into echo chambers of conspiracy theory, misinformation, and fear mongering. Every click on a hyper link and second lapsed on an ad feeds cyberspace algorithms that work by design to keep us hypnotized by our screens. Talking heads and influencers are successful by providing the illusion of intimacy that is otherwise deeply lacking in the flesh. Would conspiracy theories and misinformation spread the same way if we weren’t so significantly lonely? What makes otherwise rational and educated people fall into cesspools of dangerous rhetoric that make them act against their own self-interest – and who reaps the benefits? This short film takes inspiration from science fiction, body horror, and Saturday morning cartoons.

Credits: TheMovieDb.

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